Materilize theme

Materialize themes

Parallax theme 


Parallax theme

Parallax is an effect where the background content or image in this case, is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling


Slider theme 


Slider theme

Slider is a simple and elegant image carousel with captions.


Materialize blog 


Materialize blog

Theme features four HTML pages including a blog index, an about page, a sample post, and a contact page and footer with sign up form and social links.


SignUp form 


SignUp form

SignUp form with icon prefixes to make the form input label even more clear.


Material Contact form 


Material contact form

SignUp form with icon prefixes to make the form input label even more clear.


Stater template 


Starter template

Starter page with a Header, Icon Features and Footer.


Materialize Snippets

Fixed Sidebar



